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Interview with Vittorio Storaro, AIC, ASC, about his view of the profession, his career and his “Muses of Light” spots
Zeus and his Nine Daughters

Three-time Oscar winner Vittorio Storaro, who has been working with Woody Allen since 2015, is currently shooting in Paris. Billed as a return to the thriller genre (in the same vein as Crimes and Misdemeanors and Match Point, the two black pearls in his long filmography), this film is expected to be the New York filmmaker’s final film. In this interview, Vittorio Storaro, AIC, ASC, reflects on his mythical career, his definition of the role of a "Author of cinematography" (and not Director of photography) as well as on The Muses of Light, his exclusive series of LED spotlights and softlights developed with De Sisti and which were given the names of Zeus’ nine daughters. The full range is distributed in France by Dimatec, and Stéphane Samama, with whom we met him. (FR)
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