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Still images, moving images
In which Jimmy Glasberg, AFC, evoked his childhood and his early years behind the camera

"OOF… I’m at the end of my rope… Writing is such an effort for me… I had my wife reread it, and she said I talk too much about myself and not enough about technique… Perhaps she’s right… What do you think? You can suggest any changes you see fit and we’ll talk about it…" (Jimmy)
Those were very exactly the words that Jimmy Glasberg wrote to me in the email he sent to me along with his biography… I had asked him to tell me two or three things about himself because a friend wanted to feature certain cinematographers at the Rencontres Photographiques in Arles where a show had already been organized featuring the work of his father, a photographer. This event never took place and this train - like so many others -remained in the station, but Jimmy’s words remained and I didn’t need to "change" a single one. (Gilles Porte, AFC)
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