AFC-related activities 

Yves Cape, AFC, and his collaboration with director Michel Franco - Part 1

At the first edition of the AFC Awards for excellence in cinematography, held on Wednesday February 7, 2024, as part of the 24th Micro Salon, Yves Cape, AFC, took the prize for Best Cinematography in a feature film, with Michel Franco’s Sundown. In this lengthy interview, published in two parts, Caroline Champetier, AFC, asks Yves Cape about his loyal (six films to date) and original collaboration with Mexican director Michel Franco.

Interview with Aymerick Pilarski, AFC, about Abderrahmane Sissako’s "Black Tea"

With Black Tea, the Franco-Mauritanian filmmaker Abderrahmane Sissako (awarded a César in 2015 for his film Timbuktu) tells a story that is both romantic and dreamlike, exploring the encounter between African and East Asian cultures. The main character is a young woman who refused to say “I do” to her future husband at the last minute. She leaves straight for China to live a very different life than the one promised to her in Abidjan. Aymerick Pilarski, AFC, is the cinematographer who crafted the images for this filmic tale that spans Africa and Taiwan, and he was able to offer the director a significant asset in his knowledge of Mandarin, the language in which the film is almost entirely performed. The film is in the running for the Golden Bear. (FR)

Martin Roux, AFC, discusses his cinematographic choices on the series "Machine" by Fred Grivois

Fred Grivois’ "Machine", co-written with Thomas Bidegain and Valentine Monteil, is a bit of a baroque concept. An intimate mixture of the kung-fu movie (with its codes and combat scenes) and a pure social drama, this series shows us a fugitive ex-solider who returns to her ancestors’ small town to escape the GIGN police forces that are hunting her down… When she gets a job as a temporary factory worker, she meets a charismatic Marxist foreman — and former heroin addict — who is facing a takeover by a large Korean firm. Played by Margot Brancilhon and Joey Starr, the project takes on an unexpected plot and visual journey under the guidance of Martin Roux, AFC. He shares with us his experience on this 6 48-minute episode series (soon to be broadcast on Arte) whose two first episodes were presented in the official competition at Series Mania*. (FR)

Technical stuff 

Kodak pays tribute to On Film winners at the 77th Cannes Film Festival

Here’s a full list of On Film winners at Cannes 2024! It was a great showing for film. Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and Best First Film (Camera d’or) along with four winners in Critics’ Week and the winner of the inaugural Audience Award in Directors’ Fortnight.

Bebob at NAB 2024: Powerful Innovations for Cameras and Lighting

Visitors to this year’s NAB should not miss a visit to the Bebob stand (Central Hall, Bavarian Pavilion, C6732). The Munich-based battery manufacturer is bringing various new products to Las Vegas and will also be providing an insight into many product launches in the near future. The overriding themes will be performance, flexibility, quality and sustainability – both in terms of powering the latest cameras and ultra-modern lights.

FilmLight launches Nara, a revolutionary new media tool

FilmLight, best known for its grading system Baselight, today announced the introduction of Nara. Nara, which will be exhibited at various partner booths at NAB 2024, provides media professionals, including post-production facilities and VFX houses, instant access to media from anywhere in the world – streaming and indexing to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and review processes.

On Screen 

Drew Daniels talks about filming Sean Baker’s “Anora”.

Carried by a dazzling cast, with young Mikey Madison in the lead role as a stripper, Sean Baker’s Anora is a captivating film. Its writing is both simple and precise, steering the plot in one direction only to better surprise the audience and ultimately deliver a powerful final scene that is likely to go down in festival history. Shot like great American cinematographers of the 70s used to do (Kodak film, 4-perf Scope, zoom lenses, and negative flashing during shooting), this cinematic tour de force is truly one of the major events of the 77th edition of the Festival. Drew Daniels, who shot the film, explains that nothing replaces the thrill one can experience on such a film as a director of photography, making creative decisions live on set rather than relying solely on modern digital camera & post-production tools. (FR)

Professional life 

A Tribute to Trevor Steele

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Trevor Steele on Wednesday, 20th December 2023, at the age of 84. In January 1982, he founded the EMIT corporation (Equipement Moderne Image Technique), which he ran for many years, and he was one of the most well-liked and respected pillars of the filmmaking industry. Cinematographer Philippe Ros, AFC, who was an intimate, gives us the following tribute.

Petition for a César Award for Makeup and Hairdressing

Of all the countries awarding film prizes, France, cradle of cinema, is the only one not to reward the departments of Makeup and Hairdressing. However, we all know, in our position as directors of photography, how much we owe to close collaboration with the people in charge of makeup and hairstyling. Their work on set supports the actresses and actors on a daily basis and contributes to the visual identity of a film. The AFC relays below a petition launched by the makeup artists of the AMC for the creation of a César for Makeup and Hairdressing.


Death of John Bailey, ASC, and Victor J. Kemper, ASC

We learnt of the death of John Bailey, ASC, just as the 31st annual Toruń Camerimage festival was about to begin. The most European of American cinematographers died on 10th November, in Los Angeles, at the age of 81. Two weeks later, on 27th November, Victor J. Kemper, ASC, one of the architects of the revival of American cinema in the 1970s, passed away at the age of 96. Let’s take a look back at two parallel careers that embody two different sensibilities in American cinema.

A random picture

Olivier-René Veillon converse avec Thierry de Segonzac - Photo Tristan Happel / AFC - Micro Salon 2014
Olivier-René Veillon converse avec Thierry de Segonzac
Photo Tristan Happel / AFC - Micro Salon 2014

A random video


Où que nous regardions l’ombre gagne
L’un après l’autre les foyers s’éteignent
Le cercle d’ombre se resserre
Parmi les cris des hommes
Et les hurlements des fauves.

Aimé Césaire, dans Aimé Césaire : pour regarder le siècle en face, sous la dir. d’Annick Thébia-Melsan, 2000

another quote