A lot of sport for Papa Sierra

by Papa Sierra AFC newsletter n°266

[ English ] [ français ]

This year, Sierra Papa was still in charge of major sporting events. The Tour de France and the Tour of Poland are parts of these major events.
A new mission has also been obtained this year: the Silkway Rally, a competition of several weeks from Russia to China. This event is filmed with a Wescam system that integrates a Sony HDC 950 and a super zoom Fujinon 36X.
On the Tour de France, an even more important feature than in previous years has been set up for 2016. Four Cineflex V14 cameras were indeed mobilized. Each of the two helicopters was equipped with a very wide angle zoom and a powerful 42X zoom.
Apart from sport, the common point of these missions remains the huge work done before D day. Papa Sierra’s team did excellent performances and achieved faultlessly all of these operations.