Cinematographer Sue Gibson, BSC, passed away

La Lettre AFC n°267

[ English ] [ français ]

We were saddened to learn of the passing of British cinematographer Sue Gibson on 27 July 2016 as a result of her battle with cancer at the age of 64. In 1992, she was the first woman to be invited by her peers to join the BSC, of which she served as President from 2008 to 2010.
Sue Gibson with Paul Borg - Photo by courtesy of the BSC
Sue Gibson with Paul Borg
Photo by courtesy of the BSC

Some of AFC’s directors of photography have collaborated with her, here in France, on commercial films in the late 1980s. They remember a very talented cinematographer and a strong character with elegance and a natural authority, which is the distinctive capacity of the great cinematographers.

Caroline Champetier et Sue Gibson, au Micro Salon, en 2010 - Photo Victoire Thierrée
Caroline Champetier with Sue Gibson, at Micro Salon in 2010
Photo by Victoire Thierrée © AFC

In 2010, we had the opportunity and the extreme pleasure to receive her during the Micro Salon where she had come with some of our British colleagues to present the BSC at the traditional "Carte blanche" given to a foreign sister-Society, we organize every year. A great souvenir for all of us.