Introducing cinematographer Vincent Gallot, newest member of the AFC
By Philip Lozano, AFCVincent Gallot, a dynamism our association needs, by Philip Lozano, AFC
I am writing these few lines to speak to you about, and to support the membership application of, my friend and colleague Vincent Gallot.
I met him over 20 years ago, when he asked me to assist him and work alongside him. At the time, we were both assistant cameramen.
Over time, Vincent became a true friend. I think such friendships are few and far between during one’s career.
We have many shared ideas and values.
He became a director of photography over 10 years ago and has shot over fifteen features and series.
Ever since I became part of the AFC, I have been telling Vincent that he must also become an active member, because I think our association needs engaged, true, sincere and talented people such as him.
I am truly delighted that he is applying to join us and that our friendship and our discussions can also exist within the AFC.
I am convinced that his professional and human vision of the profession form part of the dynamism our association needs, today and in the years to come.

(Translated from French by A. Baron-Raiffe)