Jonathan Zaccaï


Résultats de la recherche

Articles (30)

Piano lessons for penalty shots
Video interview with cinematographer César Charlone, ABC, about her work on Fernando Meirelles’s film “The Two Popes", conducted by François Reumont for the AFC

Les entretiens de Camerimage

By beginning his film with a very funny story (Pope Francis tries to make an airplane reservation himself, but the travel agent hangs up on him when he says his name), Fernando Meireiles gives his story a humourous tone. This is also a film that describes the intimacy of papal life with a great deal of realism, which gives way to moments of great warmth on screen between Anthony Hopkins (Joseph Ratzinger) and Jonathan Price (Jorge Mario Bergoglio). Cesar Charlone, the Brazilian filmmaker’s faithful collaborator, is at Camerimage to present this Netflix film.

Films (12)

Je te survivrai

de Sylvestre Sbille
Produit par Trésor Films (ex Les Productions du Trésor), Tchin Tchin Production, Mars Films
Photographié par

Sacha Wiernik, AFC , SBC