Panasonic, a new partner

by Rémy Chevrin, AFC

[ English ] [ français ]

It is with great pleasure that we welcome within the AFC, Panasonic Cinema, which many directors of photography have already had the opportunity to know while shooting feature films and television.
In the coming weeks their representative in France, Guilhem Krier, will provide a more detailed presentation of the company and its various activities.
Panasonic is a privileged partner in the conception and manufacture of digital cameras: for many years, the company, based in La Plaine Saint-Denis, has been a leader of digital media in the market, bringing their know-how, as well as their new memory card recording.
We will have the opportunity to arrange a meeting so that those who have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Guilhem Krier and his team can discover this new partner.
We welcome Panasonic to the AFC.