Camerimage 2021

Sony at Camerimage 2021

by Sony France

[ English ] [ français ]

Sony will be present at the EnergaCamerimage Market during the whole festival, from November 13 to 20, and will offer a screening and two "Sony CineAlta" conferences.

Scheduled events:
- Monday November 15 at 4 p.m.: Sony screening, CKK Jordanki, Main screening room
- Tuesday Novembre 16 at 2 p.m.: Sony CineAlta conference "Robert McLachlan ASC, on shooting 1950’s period look with Sony Venice", CKK Jordanki, Seminar room
- Thursday Novembre 18 at 3:30 p.m.: Sony CineAlta seminar: "Xavier Dolléans AFC, on shooting historical drama Germinal on Sony Venice", CKK Jordanki, Seminar room.

Will be present

  • Florence Quintin, Sony France, from 13 to 17 November.