Cannes Film Festival 2024

Sverre Sørdal, FNF, talks about the shooting of "Sister Midnight", by Karan Kandhari

"Is she weird ?", by François Reumont for AFC

[ English ] [ français ]

A unique blend of Buster Keaton-style silent comedy and vampire film invoking Expressionism, "Sister Midnight" by Karan Kandhari is above all an original female portrait set in the slums of Bombay. Although the director is of Indian origin, he lives and works in England, and his directing style and use of music reveal his distinctly British sense of humor. Here are the secrets behind the making of this strange comedy, whose style alternates between the frenetic and the very calm, reminiscent of the rhythm of a Pixies song. The cinematography is by British-Norwegian director of photography Sverre Sørdal, and the film was shot on Kodak and Panavision.

Arranged marriage in Mumbai: the man is flabby and spineless, the woman, once in the conjugal hovel, assumes a filthy misanthropy of rare greenness. Trapped in the couple’s hell, Uma transforms herself into a disturbing figure with no qualms, giving free rein to her ferocious impulses. A fantastic punk comedy, the film is packed with American references, both on screen and in the soundtrack, which is always surprising, from country to hard rock.
Sverre Sørdal à la caméra
Sverre Sørdal à la caméra