AFC-related activities 

Nicolas Massart, AFC, discusses the technical challenges involved in filming "Sous la Seine" by Xavier Gens

Xavier Gens’ Sous la Seine has been available on Netflix since early June, and has since risen to become one of the most viewed programs on the platform. Meanwhile, the director, producers and the platform are being sued by another screenwriter who is claiming to have been the victim of plagiarism. This suspenseful film portrays the intrusion of a race of mutant sharks capable of adapting to fresh water and swimming up rivers, and has benefited from the fact that the Olympic Games are being held in Paris this year to generate buzz. Nicolas Massart, AFC, was in charge of the cinematography of this story, with many underwater scenes shot in the large European studio dedicated to this – Lites, in Brussels. (FR)

Simon Duggan, ACS, ASC, looks back at the making of George Miller’s "Furiosa"

Presented during a special out-of-competition screening at the very beginning of the 77th Cannes Film Festival, director George Miller’s Furiosa adds a new dimension to the Mad Max saga he began 45 years ago. Focusing on the youthful character Furiosa (originally played on screen by Charlize Theron in Fury Road in 2015), this unprecedented change of lead character for the franchise allows the Australian director to feminise his narrative. And most of all to offer a duo of actors from the new generation (Anya Taylor Joy and Chris Hemsworth) an opportunity to portray a true Shakespearean revenge tragedy amidst apocalyptic chase scenes. Simon Duggan, ACS, ASC, also new to the franchise talks to us about this 109-day shoot (for A team), conducted during the Covid period in the heart of the Australian desert. (FR)

Interview with Julien Poupard, AFC, about “Langue étrangère”, by Claire Burger

Selected for Berlinale 2024, Claire Burger’s Langue étrangère (Foreign Language) crosses paths between France and Germany through a first adolescent love story. Julien Poupard, AFC, reunites with the director (with whom he has already shot several films) to bring this story of sensual, amorous and political awakening to life between Leipzig and Strasbourg. The film is in official competition for the 74th Golden Bear. (FR)

Technical stuff 

Kodak pays tribute to On Film winners at the 77th Cannes Film Festival

Here’s a full list of On Film winners at Cannes 2024! It was a great showing for film. Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and Best First Film (Camera d’or) along with four winners in Critics’ Week and the winner of the inaugural Audience Award in Directors’ Fortnight.

Bebob at NAB 2024: Powerful Innovations for Cameras and Lighting

Visitors to this year’s NAB should not miss a visit to the Bebob stand (Central Hall, Bavarian Pavilion, C6732). The Munich-based battery manufacturer is bringing various new products to Las Vegas and will also be providing an insight into many product launches in the near future. The overriding themes will be performance, flexibility, quality and sustainability – both in terms of powering the latest cameras and ultra-modern lights.

On Screen 

Simon Duggan, ACS, ASC, looks back at the making of George Miller’s "Furiosa"

Presented during a special out-of-competition screening at the very beginning of the 77th Cannes Film Festival, director George Miller’s Furiosa adds a new dimension to the Mad Max saga he began 45 years ago. Focusing on the youthful character Furiosa (originally played on screen by Charlize Theron in Fury Road in 2015), this unprecedented change of lead character for the franchise allows the Australian director to feminise his narrative. And most of all to offer a duo of actors from the new generation (Anya Taylor Joy and Chris Hemsworth) an opportunity to portray a true Shakespearean revenge tragedy amidst apocalyptic chase scenes. Simon Duggan, ACS, ASC, also new to the franchise talks to us about this 109-day shoot (for A team), conducted during the Covid period in the heart of the Australian desert. (FR)

Professional life 

A Tribute to Trevor Steele

We were saddened to learn of the passing of Trevor Steele on Wednesday, 20th December 2023, at the age of 84. In January 1982, he founded the EMIT corporation (Equipement Moderne Image Technique), which he ran for many years, and he was one of the most well-liked and respected pillars of the filmmaking industry. Cinematographer Philippe Ros, AFC, who was an intimate, gives us the following tribute.

Petition for a César Award for Makeup and Hairdressing

Of all the countries awarding film prizes, France, cradle of cinema, is the only one not to reward the departments of Makeup and Hairdressing. However, we all know, in our position as directors of photography, how much we owe to close collaboration with the people in charge of makeup and hairstyling. Their work on set supports the actresses and actors on a daily basis and contributes to the visual identity of a film. The AFC relays below a petition launched by the makeup artists of the AMC for the creation of a César for Makeup and Hairdressing.


Death of John Bailey, ASC, and Victor J. Kemper, ASC

We learnt of the death of John Bailey, ASC, just as the 31st annual Toruń Camerimage festival was about to begin. The most European of American cinematographers died on 10th November, in Los Angeles, at the age of 81. Two weeks later, on 27th November, Victor J. Kemper, ASC, one of the architects of the revival of American cinema in the 1970s, passed away at the age of 96. Let’s take a look back at two parallel careers that embody two different sensibilities in American cinema.

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Quotation of the month

Adore tout ce qui vit sous le ciel – la lumière est si belle, la demi-teinte et même les ténèbres. Ne t’enfuis pas devant la douleur ou la misère comme le cerf aux abois pourchassé par les chiens – ne cède jamais la moindre parcelle de ce que tu sens si bien au dedans de toi-même, pour des intérêts précaires, des privilèges, des honneurs trompeurs. L’art est choix, sélection et même hiérarchie intérieure.

Georges Rouault, Sur l’art et sur la vie, "Réflexions et souvenirs", "Climat pictural", Denoël Gonthier, 1971

another quote