Cartoni now new distribution partner for Schneider-Kreuznach cine lenses in France

AFC newsletter n°272

[ English ] [ français ]

Following the successful partnership with Cartoni Italy we are pleased to announce that as of January 1, 2017 Cartoni France is the official distributor for Schneider-Kreuznach cine lenses (Xenon FF-Primes and Cine Xenar III) in France.

Cartoni France
3 boulevard Georges Méliès
94350 Villiers sur Marne - FRANCE
Tel : +33 (0)9 77 78 11 43
Fax : +33 (0)1 57 10 09 47
contact at

Cartoni SpA designs, manufactures and markets high-end Professional Camera Supports and accessories for the Motion Picture and Television industries. Cartoni France imports and represents prestigious brands by leveraging its in-depth market know-how of end users and manufacturers.