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Imago "Inspiration!" Seminar
by Eric Guichard, AFC

European federation of cinematographers

"Inspiration!", the seminar organized by Imago, the European Federation of directors of photography, was held in Copenhagen (Denmark) from October 31 to November 2, 2008.
First, let me express my warmest thanks to the Imago team, its chairman Nigel Walters, BSC, Jan Weincke, president of the DDF, Andreas Fischer-Hansen, DDF, Paul Rene Roestad, FNF and Tina Sorensen, head to the National Film School of Denmark, who welcomed all the participants. The team organized this seminar in a seamless and, above all, friendly fashion, with a theme, entitled "Inspiration", which was far from easy to develop.

L’incroyable redécouverte de "Metropolis", de Fritz Lang
Par Julien Bordier

Press clippings

L’Express, 4 juillet 2008
L’une des scènes manquantes de la version originale de Metropolis, de Fritz Lang, a été retrouvée à Buenos Aires. Après l’enregistrement inédit d’un entretien avec John Lennon et Paul McCartney, retrouvé au fond d’un garage londonien, ce sont 25 minutes de scènes manquantes de Metropolis, le chef d’œuvre muet de Fritz Lang, qui ont été retrouvées à Buenos Aires.

The AFC at Cannes 2008
by Dominique Bouilleret, AFC and Jean-Noël Ferragut, AFC

Cannes Film Festival 2008

From Wednesday May 14th to Saturday May 24th, the new Image Pavilion marked the AFC’s presence at the 61st edition of the Cannes Film Festival. The Image Pavilion was made possible by the financial support of some of our associate members: Agfa, Cininter, Fujifilm, K5600, Kodak, Mikros Image, Panavision, Quinta and TSF. We would like to express our hearty thanks, with a special mention of our three "film stock fairy godmothers" who facilitated the lodging of AFC DPs. The Image Pavilion was also made possible by the generosity and dedication of AFC members.

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