FilmLight Colour Online : Creating the look for Netflix’s series "Tribes of Europa"
In this exclusive discussion, FilmLight interviews the talent behind the new sci-fi TV series from Netflix. Released on February 19, "Tribes of Europa" tells the story of three siblings fighting for survival in a future Europe.
Join Colourist Stephan Kuch from Panoptimo and DoP Christian Rein as they talk about their long-term creative relationship, as well as their collaboration on "Tribes of Europa" – from defining the workflow, to creating the look and feel of a Europe in which technology has collapsed and microstates are at war.
The presentation will cover :
- An introduction to "Tribes of Europa"
- The visual concept and look of the show : from shooting to final colour
- Behind the workflow and its technical requirements - including interaction between VFX, on-set dailies, and final look enhancement in post
- Managing the data from on-set to finishing
- Audience Q&A.
The event is free for all registered attendees. The event will also be recorded so that you can watch it later.
We’d like to thank everyone who participated in our previous webinars. If you weren’t able to join in live, the videos of these presentations can now be viewed on our website.