Introducing Evgenia Alexandrova, new member cinematographer of the AFC

By Denis Lenoir, AFC, ASC, ASK, and Gordon Spooner, AFC

by Denis Lenoir, Gordon Spooner

Cinematographer Evgenia Alexandrova has just been admitted as a member of our association. Here, she is introduced by her two AFC sponsors, Denis Lenoir, ASC, ASK, and Gordon Spooner, in the words they used to expressed their support of her candidacy to the Board Members of the AFC.

Evgenia Alexandrovna, by Denis Lenoir, AFC, ASC, ASK
It is my great pleasure to write in order to introduce to you, and to encourage you to accept as a fellow member, our colleague Evegenia Alexandrovna.
At Cannes last May, I had the opportunity to have a coffee and chat with her, and after this brief discussion, she did me the honor of asking me to be her sponsor, along with Gordon Spooner. It was indeed an honor, because, following her request, I watched nearly everything she has done as a cinematographer, and I was absolutely impressed by the quality of her work. That particular quality isn’t immediately apparent, because the words "precision", "elegance" and "grace" came to my pen when I wanted to define what characterizes her work. I was also very seduced by the balance between sensuality and modesty in the images of the feature film Mi iubita mon amour.
While a student at La Fémis, Evgenia also served as translator for the Russian delegation we received at the Micro Salon, and has also written articles for the AFC from Camerimage, so she has already had several contacts with us and by joining us, she will develop them further. I hope she will find the time to do so, as she is returning from shooting a feature in Brazil and is expected to begin shooting Noémie Merlant’s second feature in the spring. Oh, I nearly forgot, Evgenia is also a director. I found her short film Einstein Telescope brilliant.

Evgenia Alexandrovna shooting her thesis film for her degree at La Fémis, "Svalbard", in 2016
Evgenia Alexandrovna shooting her thesis film for her degree at La Fémis, "Svalbard", in 2016

Evgenia Alexandrovna, by Gordon Spooner, AFC
Nicolas Lasnibat, the Director of Studies at La Fémis, was the first to speak to me about Evgenia.
Knowing how demanding he is in terms of photography, I visited Evgenia’s website. There, I discovered the work of a young cinematographer: free, elegant, and full of promise.
When she contacted me to sponsor her for membership in the AFC, I had already decided my answer would be yes.
We need as many women of her talent as possible.
We must welcome her!

Evgenia Alexandrova shooting her film "Wanderers" during a space simulation in the desert of Utah in 2020
Evgenia Alexandrova shooting her film "Wanderers" during a space simulation in the desert of Utah in 2020

(Translated from French by A. Baron-Raiffe)