The news from Panasonic in February

La Lettre AFC n°294

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The TV film "Des rêves au-dessus de leur tête" (trad : "dreams above their head"), directed by Arnaud Selignac and cinematographed by Eric Guichard, AFC, is the first "heavy production" shot with two EVA1 as main cameras in Europe. The v3.0 of the EVA1 is now available. During the AFC Micro Salon 2019, Panasonic will present the film "Aïlo : A Lapland Odyssey", a wildlife fiction film shot in Varicam 35 and EVA1.
Configuration EVA1 sur le tournage des "Rêves au-dessus de leur tête", DP : Eric Guichard, AFC, Production : Son et Lumière, Matériel : TSF / Telline
Configuration EVA1 sur le tournage des "Rêves au-dessus de leur tête", DP : Eric Guichard, AFC, Production : Son et Lumière, Matériel : TSF / Telline

The v3.0 of the EVA1 is now available.
It’s include a new generation of Codec : the HEVC (or h265) that allows 4K/50p 10bits internal recording. (Current codec can record 4K/50p 8bits only) As HDR requires 10bits recording, EVA1 v3.0 can be used for 4K/50p HDR productions.
Moreover, it supports wired connection to RCP (from CyanView) or to our ROP app. This can open new market for EVA1 : multicam live shooting.

Panasonic will be attending the AFC Micro Salon 2019