Transvideo HD field monitors

by Transvideo

[ English ] [ français ]

During the CineGear show held in June in Los Angeles, Transvideo presented several major evolutions of its range of HD field monitors.
During the show it was 46 degrees centigrade in the shade, but monitors in full sunlight were perfectly readable without sunshades, operating flawlessly.
The CineMonitor range consists of 6 ", 8", 12 "and 15" HD monitors. The image quality in HD as SD is impeccable with a proprietary Transvideo processor.

The image is displayed without latency and is always synchronized with the input signal.
Several options are available to supplement the basic functions:
- Frame Generator
- Virtual horizon line included in the monitor
- “Advanced Measurement Tools" including RGB waveform, Vectorscope, and a new exposure monitor function.

Overexposure Control
This new option is part of the Advanced Measurement Pack and will be progressively available on the full range CineMonitorHD. It is currently delivered with the "Superbright" versions.
Overexposed areas and blacks can be displayed in artificial colors. The thresholds and limits are adjusted depending on the type of camera used and shooting constraints.

Panalog™ mode
The Panalog™ mode is unique to Panavision Genesis cameras. Transvideo has developed a function to directly visualize on CineMontorHD images from the Genesis without using any external conversion device.
This option will be available for rental and sale.

CineMonitorHD6 SBL, CineMonitorHD12SB, CineMonitorHD15 SB
HD SDI and composite versions at 1 000 Nits for outdoor applications, when the ambient light is extreme. The 6" Model is particularly suited to the needs of Steadicam™ operators.

CineMonitorHD15 Studio
The Studio 15 "offers deep blacks, an extended gamut and perfect colorimetric rendering. It is a reference monitor with the robustness of Transvideo products, to be used in the field under all conditions.

CineMonitorHD 3D View
This 6 "diagonal display has different modes to help operators to correlate two HD SDI cameras in shooting 3D. Anaglyph mode allows a preview of the final image using the glasses provided. Two synchronized HD SDI inputs are needed to use the 3D mode. The monitor can of course be used in HD SDI "2D".