Camerimage 2018

Arri at Camerimage 2018

by Arri Camera Systems

[ English ] [ français ]

Once again this year, Arri will be a Camerimage Partner and will be in attendance with a stand showing off its products and latest innovations. A majority of its product managers will be in attendance, as well, along with Arri Munich’s management team and representatives from Arri Rental. Screenings, conferences, and workshops will round out their presence at the festival.

Schedule of screenings, conferences and workshops
Tuesday, 13 November
- Arri Academy Conference
Opera Nova, Conference Room (11:30 – 13:30)

Wednesday, 14 November
- Arri Big Screen Event
Opera Nova, Grand Theatre (18:15)

- Documentary screening
Opera Nova, Documentary Screening Theatre (19:30)

Thursday, 15 November
- Arri Academy Master Class
Workshop Center, University of Economics, Building M (11:30 – 16:00)

- Arri talk featuring documentary cinematographers
Opera Nova, Main Restaurant.