Paxton Winters


Résultats de la recherche

Articles (5)

Report on Camerimage 2019
By Jean-Marie Dreujou, AFC

Camerimage 2019

I was a member of the jury for the Directors’ Debuts Competition, which features first and second films, at Camerimage this year, alongside Rob Epstein (Jury President), director, screenwriter, and producer, and Jan Roelfs, production designer, who received the Camerimage Award for Production Designer With Unique Visual Sensitivity this year.

Camerimage 2019 vu par...
Par Jean-Marie Dreujou, AFC

Camerimage 2019

J’étais membre du jury "Director’s Debut", la sélection des premiers et deuxièmes films, au festival Camerimage, avec Rob Epstein (président), réalisateur, scénariste et producteur, et Jan Roelfs, "production designer", qui cette année recevait le "Camerimage Award to Production Designer with Unique Visual Sensitivity".

Stairway to heaven
Video interview with cinematographer Laura Merians about her work on Paxton Winter’s film “Pacified”, conducted by François Reumont for the AFC

Les entretiens de Camerimage

Teenage girl Tati lives at the very top of a flight of stairs in a favela in Rio de Janeiro with her mother, who is almost young enough to be her older sister. Her father is the former local crime boss and has been in prison since before she was born. But one day, he returns. For her first film, Laura Merians has created an image full of strength and colors at the heart of a classic tale of redemption whose visual narration elegantly takes over from the literary narration of the script. The strong and endearing characters round off this dizzying dive into contemporary Brazil, where violence has become totally normalized and is a part of the daily lives of millions of people.

Au palmarès du 67e Festival de San Sebastián


Le Festival international du film de San Sebastián, qui s’est déroulé du 20 au 28 septembre 2019, a annoncé l’ensemble des lauréats de cette 67e édition. Le jury, présidé par la réalisateur Neil Jordan, a attribué La Conque d’or du meilleur film à Pacificado, de Paxton Winters, photographié par Laura Merians Gonçalves. Le SSIFF étant un des rares festivals qui décerne un prix pour la Meilleure photo, c’est à cette même directrice de la photo, pour ce même film, qu’est allé ce Prix du jury.