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Articles (30)

Kodak pays tribute to On Film winners at the 77th Cannes Film Festival


Here’s a full list of On Film winners at Cannes 2024! It was a great showing for film. Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor and Best First Film (Camera d’or) along with four winners in Critics’ Week and the winner of the inaugural Audience Award in Directors’ Fortnight.

Yves Cape, AFC, et sa collaboration avec le réalisateur Michel Franco - 2e partie
Par Caroline Champetier, AFC

Conversations with cinematographers

Dans cette seconde partie du long dialogue entre Yves Cape, AFC, et Caroline Champetier, AFC, à propos de Sundown, de Michel Franco, il est question d’étalonnage, de peaux, de neutralité, de prison, de justesse des décors, d’arrivées de lumière... de tous les questionnements qui ne relèvent pas seulement de choix techniques ou esthétiques.

Yves Cape, AFC, and his collaboration with director Michel Franco - Part 1
By Caroline Champetier, AFC

Conversations with cinematographers

At the first edition of the AFC Awards for excellence in cinematography, held on Wednesday February 7, 2024, as part of the 24th Micro Salon, Yves Cape, AFC, took the prize for Best Cinematography in a feature film, with Michel Franco’s Sundown. In this lengthy interview, published in two parts, Caroline Champetier, AFC, asks Yves Cape about his loyal (six films to date) and original collaboration with Mexican director Michel Franco.

AFC Interviews at Lille’s "Series Mania" Festival Martin Roux, AFC, discusses his cinematographic choices on the series "Machine" by Fred Grivois
"Can Kung Fu save the proletariat?", by François Reumont

Conversations with cinematographers

Fred Grivois’ "Machine", co-written with Thomas Bidegain and Valentine Monteil, is a bit of a baroque concept. An intimate mixture of the kung-fu movie (with its codes and combat scenes) and a pure social drama, this series shows us a fugitive ex-solider who returns to her ancestors’ small town to escape the GIGN police forces that are hunting her down… When she gets a job as a temporary factory worker, she meets a charismatic Marxist foreman — and former heroin addict — who is facing a takeover by a large Korean firm. Played by Margot Brancilhon and Joey Starr, the project takes on an unexpected plot and visual journey under the guidance of Martin Roux, AFC. He shares with us his experience on this 6 48-minute episode series (soon to be broadcast on Arte) whose two first episodes were presented in the official competition at Series Mania*. (FR)

Yves Cape, AFC, et sa collaboration avec le réalisateur Michel Franco - 1ère partie
Par Caroline Champetier, AFC

Conversations with cinematographers

Lors de la première édition des Prix AFC, récompensant l’excellence du travail de direction de la photographie et dont la cérémonie de remise des trophées a eu lieu le mercredi 7 février 2024, dans le cadre du 24e Micro Salon, c’est Yves Cape, AFC, qui a remporté le prix de la Meilleure photographie pour un long métrage de fiction, avec Sundown, de Michel Franco. Dans ce long entretien publié en deux parties, Caroline Champetier, AFC, questionne Yves Cape sur cette collaboration fidèle (six films à ce jour) et originale avec le réalisateur mexicain Michel Franco.