The 2013 Micro Salon promises to be a great one !

La Lettre AFC n°228

[ English ] [ français ]

The 13th annual Micro Salon will be held at La fémis on 22-23 February 2013. Just to remind everyone of the importance of this event a few days before its opening, the poster shows that the goal pursued by all in attendance, from the cinematographers to the guests and the manufacturers and suppliers of the tools of our trade, is the image on the screen. Each and every screen ! More than fifty associate members of the AFC will attend this year to present their know-how. In preparation for these two very intense days, we have provided below a preview of the schedule, main activities, and a few new products that you will be invited to discover.

Following with the practice begun last year because of the growing number of vendors and visitors, the Micro Salon will once again display camera and lighting equipment all together on the three main levels of La fémis. This means the usual room on the ground floor, the first set and its surroundings in the basement, and the two sets and the Foyer Renoir on the 2d floor. This year, we wanted to shine the spotlight on the Foyer Renoir : our domestic industries have had a tough year and we wanted to celebrate them by bringing these innovative manufacturers of French-made equipment together in this unique space.
The Jean Renoir theatre will be, of course, dedicated to screenings, and as usual, the Foyer will be the meeting place at the end of each screening, with the labs and the postproduction. Three screenings will take place in between the classes planned over the two days, on Friday morning, and Friday and Saturday afternoon. A series of temporary workshops on various subjects will take place on Friday in the Salle Jacques Demy on the 1st floor.

This year, we will be counting on the participation of the following AFC associate corporate members (in parentheses, the location of their booth) :

Aaton (+2) – ASC France (+2) – Airstar (+2) – Arri Camera (RdC) – Arri Lighting (-1) – Binocle (-1) – Broncolor-Kobold (-1) – Cartoni France (-1) – Ciné Lumière de Paris (+2) – Cinemage (+2) – Cinésyl (-1) – Cininter (-1) – Codex Digital (RdC) – Digimage Cinéma (+2) – Dimatec (-1) – Dolby Europe LL (RdC) – Eclair Group (+2) – Eclalux (-1) – Emit (RdC) – Fujifilm France / Fujifilm Fujinon (RdC) – HD Systems (-1) – K5600 Lighting (+2) – Key Lite (+2) – KGS Devlopment (+2) – L’EST-ADN (RdC) – Lee Filters (-1) – Loumasystems (-1) – Lumex (+2) – Maluna Lighting (-1) – Mikros image (+2) – NEC France (RdC) – Next Shot (-1) – Nikon (+2) – Panalux (RdC) – Panasonic France (RdC) – Panavision Alga (RdC) – Panavision Cinecam (RdC) – Papaye (+2) – Propulsion (+2) – Roscolab (+2) – RVZ (+2) – Softlights (+2) – Sony France (RdC) – Sublab (+2) – Technicolor (+2) – Thales Angénieux (+2) – Transpacam (+2) – Transpagrip (+2) – Transpalux (+2) – Transvideo (+2) – TSF Caméra (-1) – TSF Grip (-1) – TSF Lumière (-1) – Vantage Paris (+2) – Vitec Videocom (+2).

Beyond the courtyard of La fémis and the welcome desk, just past the entrance to the building where you will pick up your badge, you will be able to meet the moderators of the discussion board and find copies of trade publications, especially the new special French-language issue of Film and Digital Times, the magazine edited and published by our fellow American cinematographer Jon Fauer, ASC, which is entirely dedicated to the Micro Salon. You are free to plan your visit according to your interests and depending on the contacts you make once you arrive.

On Saturday morning at opening time a round table entitled “What is a DCP” will be held in the Salle Renoir with participants Mathieu Leclercq (Mikros image), Thierry Beaumel (Éclair Group) and Tommaso Vergallo (Digimage Cinéma). It will be moderated by Rémy Chevrin, AFC, and Caroline Champetier, AFC. After welcoming its Belgian, British, Spanish, and European (via the Imago Federation) fellow cinematographers, the AFC will be pleased to welcome the Danish cinematographers of the Dansk Filmfotograf Forbund to the Micro Salon by giving them “Carte Blanche” on late Saturday morning. Dirk Bruel, Andreas Fisher Hansen, Morton Soborg, and Jan Weincke, President of the DFF, have planned to attend and present their association to our visitors (

Although these last few years the Micro Salon has featured the work of cinematographers of other European countries, this year, the AFC has decided to share the event with the Association française du son à l’image (AFSI) by putting a “sound room” at its disposition on the second set located on the basement level. Its members will invite some of their partners to present their know how and latest innovations. They will provide a welcome complement to the Micro Salon’s vendors and technicians’ associations alongside a few of the AFC’s “surprise guests.”
Besides the usual meetings and reunions, the habitual conviviality has not been forgotten because walking “coffee-beverage-snack” carts will be circulating about the various levels of La fémis in order to satisfy hungry tummies and parched throats.

Alongside the Micro Salon, La fémis will be hosting the Annual Media Conference of the Groupement des écoles européennes de cinéma et de télévision (GEECT). Its theme will be “Teaching Cinematography – From Film to Digital”. Its participants will be able to profit from their stay in Paris by discovering our Micro Salon on Saturday, Feb. 23. They will participate in our morning round table and in the “carte blanche”, and will spend their afternoon on a guided tour and a screening of La fémis’ films.

In conclusion, and as usual, let us remind you once again that this 13th Micro Salon could not take place without the unwavering support of the CNC, our host La fémis, the CST, and the fifty-six associate members of the AFC who will once again have the pleasure of presenting to an always curious and interested audience, thanks to high-quality conversations, latest material, and the best of their know-how. Let us thank them all in advance.

PS. Before the opening of the Micro Salon, further information – including a broad preview of the information sent by our participating associate members on what they will be presenting, as well as a program of the workshops and screenings – will be available on our website.

Screenings schedule
Screenings schedule

Micro Salon 2013
Friday 22 February from 10:00 to 20:00
Saturday 23 February from 10:00 to 17:00
La fémis
6, rue Francœur – Paris 18e
+ 33 (0)1 42 64 41 41 or afc chez

  • The BSC Expo 2013 will take place on Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd March on the Richard Attenborough Stage, Pinewood Studios, UK.