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Résultats de la recherche

Articles (30)

Mihai Malaimare Jr., ASC, tells us about the challenges of Francis Ford Coppola’s new film, "Megalopolis".
By François Reumont for AFC

Les entretiens au Festival de Cannes 2024

After more than 10 years of absence, the filmmaker behind The Godfather and Apocalypse Now returns with an extremely personal project in which he has invested a significant portion of his fortune. This is Megalopolis, a fable aimed at younger generations that reinterprets classical texts from ancient Rome in the context of a futuristic city reminiscent at times of Batman’s Gotham. It is also a family film with many main roles, featuring extensive sets and special effects to immerse the audience in this anticipatory atmosphere. The film is shot by Romanian-born cinematographer Mihai Malaimare Jr., ASC, a loyal collaborator of the director for nearly 20 years. The film is in Official competition for the 77th Palme d’Or.

Sophia Olsson discusses her work on "When the Light Breaks", by Rúnar Rúnarsson
"The girl and death" by François Reumont

Les entretiens au Festival de Cannes 2024

Opening Un Certain Regard competition, Icelandic director Rúnar Rúnarsson’s new film is about grief and lies. The young Icelandic actress and singer Elin Hall plays an ambiguous character, torn between the pain of losing her man and the impossibility of revealing him to others... Swedish cinematographer Sophia Olsson shot the film, which is almost entirely shot in Iceland’s capital, and whose iconic locations will undoubtedly evoke memories for lovers of this timeless city. (FR)

Sylvain Verdet talks about his choices for shooting Camila Beltrán’s "Mi bestia"
"Mila at the Devil’s Ball ", by François Reumont

Les entretiens au Festival de Cannes 2024

Part experimental film, part documentary, part fantasy, Camila Beltrán’s Mi Bestia portrays a young girl transitioning from childhood in 1990s Bogotá. Sylvain Verdet shot the images for this first original feature film, having previously collaborated on Beltrán’s short film Pacifico Obscuro four years prior. Mi Bestia has been selected at ACID. (FR)

Emmanuelle Collinot talks about her choices for Sophie Fillières’s "Ma vie, ma gueule".
By Brigitte Barbier

Les entretiens au Festival de Cannes 2024

Sophie Fillières’ filming of Agnès Jaoui, who plays Barberie Bichette in Ma vie, ma gueule (My Life, My Mouth), tells the story of a woman in her mid-fifties. Her loyal collaborator, Emmanuelle Collinot, shot the director’s last film before she died just a few weeks after shooting ended. The pitch of the film "how to deal with oneself, with death, with life in short..." particularly resonates for Ma vie, ma gueule, which opens the 2024 Quinzaine des Cinéastes. (BB)

Interview with Grimm Vandekerckhove, winner of the 2024 Robby Müller Award

Entretiens avec des directeurs de la photographie

The Rotterdam International Film Festival, in association with the NSC (Netherlands Society of Cinematographers) celebrates the memory of great cinematographer Robby Müller every year by awarding the prize that bears his name to an up-and-coming filmmaker. In past years, recipients of the award have included Diego Garcia (a Mexican cinematographer who worked with Darius Khondji, AFC, ASC, on the series “Too Old to Die Young” in 2020, and Hélène Louvart, AFC, in 2023. This year, it is the turn of Belgian cinematographer Grimm Vandekerckhove to be recognized. We discuss this award with him, and particularly his work with Belgian director Bas Devos for whom he has shot two films (Ghost Tropic in 2019 and Here in 2023). (FR)

Entretien avec Grimm Vandekerckhove, prix Robby Müller 2024

Entretiens avec des directeurs de la photographie

Le Festival international du film de Rotterdam, en association avec la NSC (Association néerlandaise des directeurs de la photographie), célèbre chaque année la mémoire du grand directeur de la photo Robby Müller en décernant le prix qui porte son nom à un cinéaste en devenir. Après Diego Garcia (directeur de la photo mexicain ayant notamment signé avec Darius Khondji, AFC, ASC, la série "Too Old to Die Young"), en 2020, ou Hélène Louvart, AFC, en 2023, c’est au tour cette année du directeur de la photo belge Grimm Vandekerckhove d’être honoré. On revient avec lui sur cette récompense, et sur son travail notamment avec le réalisateur belge Bas Devos pour lequel il a notamment signé l’image de deux films (Ghost Tropic, en 2019, et Here, en 2023). (FR)

Next Shot déménage


Le département Caméra a déjà pris ses quartiers dans nos nouveaux locaux situés 1, route de la Révolte, à Saint-Denis, non loin de la Cité du Cinéma. Les départements Machinerie et Lumière suivront dans les prochaines semaines. Nous serons de nouveau tous réunis sous le même toit.

Marcel Zyskind, DFF, talks about his work on Viggo Mortensen’s "The Dead Don’t Hurt"
"The Little House in the Canyon", by François Reumont, for the AFC

Les entretiens de Camerimage 2023

For his second film as a director, actor Viggo Mortensen tells a love story hindered by the Civil War. He stars alongside Vicky Krieps, in an atmosphere that blends classic and modern Western elements. Enhanced by intertwining editing of different time lines, and stunning cinematography by Marcel Zyskind, DFF, the film was shot on locations across Mexico & Canada. It’s presented out of competition during a special screening at Camerimage. (FR)

Articles (30)

Rémy Chevrin, AFC, looks back on the shooting of Christophe Honoré’s "Winter Boy"
"Mourning through Rose-Colored Glasses", by François Reumont

Les entretiens de Camerimage 2023

Christophe Honoré and Rémy Chevrin, AFC, are one of the most emblematic director/cinematographer couples in French "cinéma d’auteur". They have already shot nine films together and their faithful collaboration has been going strong since Seventeen Times Cécile Cassard, 24 years ago. Their next feature has already been wrapped and scheduled for release in spring 2024. Last year, they released Winter Boy, a film for which young actor Paul Kircher won the award for Best Actor at the San Sebastian Festival. A look back on the photographic challenges of this adolescent drama with the cinematographer who was selected out-of-competition at Camerimage 2023 in the Contemporary World Cinema section. (FR)

Kristoffer Engholm Aabo parle de son travail sur "Crooks - Heart of Vengeance", clip vidéo réalisé par Snorre Ruhe
"Vengeance 80", par François Reumont

Les entretiens de Camerimage 2023

Kristoffer Engholm Aabo est un directeur de la photographie, basé à Copenhague, qui partage son temps entre le Danemark et la Norvège, où il a notamment fait des études de prise de vues. Ayant signé l’image de plus de 80 vidéos clips, il a aussi à son actif plusieurs films publicitaires (Porsche, Redbull, Carlsberg...) ainsi que des courts métrages de fiction. Sélectionné pour la première fois en compétition à Camerimage pour le clip "Crooks - Heart of Vengeance" du groupe Farveblind, il vient nous parler de cette étrange fausse bande-annonce d’un film de vengeance qui pourrait presque exister... (FR)

Kristoffer Engholm Aabo talks about his work on "Crooks - Heart of Vengeance", music video directed by Snorre Ruhe
"Vengeance 80", by François Reumont

Les entretiens de Camerimage 2023

Kristoffer Engholm Aabo is a cinematographer based in Copenhagen. He divides his time between Denmark and Norway, where he studied cinematography. He has worked on the visuals of over 80 music videos and has also worked on a number of advertising films (Porsche, Redbull, Carlsberg, etc.) as well as short fiction films. Selected for the first time in competition at Camerimage for the music video "Crooks - Heart of Vengeance" by the band Farveblind, we meet to talk about this strange fake trailer, created for a revenge film that could almost be real... (FR)

Death of cinematographer Romain Winding, AFC (1951-2023)

Romain Winding

With the death of cinematographer Romain Winding on Thursday 20th July 2023, the AFC has lost one of its most lovable members. He passed away at the age of 71 at his house in Chambonas (Ardèche, France). Over the course of nearly 30 years, Romain shot, with elegance, sensitivity and simplicity, around sixty feature films and made-for-television movies. Here, we retrace his steps.

Décès du directeur de la photographie Romain Winding, AFC (1951-2023)

Romain Winding

Avec la disparition du directeur de la photographie Romain Winding, jeudi 20 juillet 2023, l’AFC perd une de ses figures les plus attachantes. Âgé de 71 ans, il s’est éteint dans la maison qu’il occupait à Chambonas (Ardèche). Pendant presque 30 ans, Romain aura photographié avec élégance, sensibilité et simplicité, une soixantaine de longs métrages et téléfilms. Nous retraçons ici son parcours.

Interview with Xavier Dolléans, AFC, about his work on two episodes of the series "Mrs. Davis"
By Jonathan Bensimhon, for the AFC

Entretiens avec des directeurs de la photographie

Created by Tara Hernandez and Damon Lindelof, "Mrs. Davis" is an eight-episode series produced by Warner Bros TV released on its own streaming service Peacock in late April. Xavier Dolléans, AFC, was the cinematographer for episodes 3 and 4, directed by Alethea Jones and shot in Spain. Interviewed here by screenwriter and director Jonathan Bensimhon, he discusses the technical challenges he had to overcome and the artistic, organizational and human particularities of such a production.

Cinematographer Romain Winding, AFC, has passed away

Romain Winding

We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of cinematographer Romain Winding, AFC, on 20 July 2023 at the age of 71, following a long battle with illness. He passed away in his home in the Ardèche where he had been living for several years. We will remember him as a delicate, discreet, precise and elegant person whose talent shone in over sixty feature films and made-for-TV movies that he shot.

"The Astronaut", directed by Nicolas Giraud, shot by Renaud Chassaing, AFC : From Limousin Station, France, towards the stars, in large format and with Zeiss Supreme Prime Radiance


A propulsion engineer at Ariane Group dreams of going into space. The European Space Agency didn’t want him at the time, so he’s building a capsule in the barn of his family’s farm. Is he nuts ? Like the former astronaut who came out of retirement to advise him, the motley but determined team around him believes in him, in his talent and his discipline.

Films (42)