June’s ACS France News

par ACS France La Lettre AFC n°276

[ English ] [ français ]

ACS France’s shooting season has started early this year and our teams have been involved on beautiful projects these last few weeks.

2 or 3 Axis Cablecam & Shotover G1
Be it for commercials or feature films, the combination Cablecam – Shotover G1 is really efficient, especially for vertical flights over the subjects. Its lightweight (6,5kgs) allows us to capture the actions in a new way with a payload under the 35kgs (Alexa Mini & Angénieux 15-40mm). Our offer includes FIZ control, a RF video link and RF control for the head as well.

Cablecam 3 axes et Shotover U1 avec optique Scope Panavision
Cablecam 3 axis et Shotover U1 with Scope Panavision lens
Equipe Cablecam (2axes et Shotoever G1)
Cablecam team (2 axis and Shotover G1)

Our offer comes with the ALTA 8 for Red & Alexa Mini packages and the Inspire 2 (up to 5,2K RAW) for urban area fights.
Commercials or feature films, in or out of urban areas ; we have the best solutions for your shot in 4k or more – Contact us for more information about our “Drone” packages.

Drone-25KH et Arri Alexa Mini
25KH drone and Arri Alexa Mini
Drone Inspire 2 et équipe ACS France
Inspire 2 drone and ACS France team

Aerial coordination & Helicopters
ACS France services include the coordination and the preparation of your action sequences. These last projects allowed us to work with the new Panavision Millenium DXL 8K, camera format that can fit in the Shotover K1 (picture with a 24/290mm) and the last Alexa SXT model having 1T recording capacity (one hour duration). Set Up proposed for your aerials with the Shotover K1 : Alexa XT, SXT, AlexaMini - Sony F65, F55 - Panavision DXL - Red Series. Most frequently lenses used with theses cameras : Angenieux 24-290mm / 28-340mm / 25-250mm (long focal length) and much more on the list.

Shotover K1
Shotover K1
Luc Poullain, pilote film
Luc Poullain, film pilot
Russian Arm installé sur bateau
Russian Arm on boat

Roland Garros new edition
This year again we are covering the French Open – Roland Garros - from the 28th of May to 11th of June. We are operating 3 of our systems :
- A customized 1 Axis Cablecam (airplaine replica) crossing the area on 370m long,
- A second 1 Axis Cablecam crossing Lenglen court (from profile),
- A Suspended Speedtrack rail crossing the Chartier court (from profile).

Do not hesitate to come and meet us to discover our installations ; to organize a meeting, please contact us through the above mentioned mail address (places still available !)

- Newsletter 2017
- Newsletter inscription
- Contact : acs chez aerial-france.fr

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