5th Annual RSC Master Class

By Jacques Delacoux (Transvideo) and Marc Galerne (K5600)

par Transvideo La Lettre AFC n°236

[ English ] [ français ]

The fifth annual Master Class organized by the Romanian Society of Cinematographers (RSC) was held at the University of Art and Cinema of Bucharest from 24-26 October. The guest of honour this year was Frederic Goodich, ASC. The “topic” of the session was : “Crop or Squeeze”.
Les étudiants entourent Frederic Goodich, Marc Galerne et Jacques Delacoux - DR
Students posing with Frederic Goodich, Marc Galerne and Jacques Delacoux

Before an eager auditorium filled with students studying cinematography, Frederic explained the difference between anamorphic lenses and spherical lenses cropped in postproduction on different cameras : Sony F65, Red Epic, Arri Alexa, and 435. After a theoretical morning on the differences between the two methods explained using a film produced by the ASC, the students had a day and a half to put what they had just learned into practice via a small scene filmed in the school studio.
Using different lenses, they shot with the cameras provided by local suppliers and Sony, who supplied a F65 and a technician for the occasion. The results were screened on the last day after being developed and colour graded by Cinelab, Bucharest’s film and digital laboratory, which was also the sponsor of the event. Discussions took place between the various participants, Frederic Goodich and the students, on the results of the trials and the artistic choices that had been made regarding the use of the different lenses.

The friendly ambiance of this Master Class was the product of the hard work and enthusiasm of a few cinematographers who truly wanted to share their passion for quality images.

Transvideo and K5600 are pleased and proud to have supported this event for a number of years by providing equipment and financial support that are essential to allowing countries less fortunate than France (yes, it’s possible !) to hold this type of Master Class.

Jacques Delacoux is the CEO of Transvideo, and Marc Galerne is the CEO of K5600 Lighting