Texture of the digital image

Munich, Oslo and the boundary between the technique and artistic sides

By Philippe Ros, AFC

par Philippe Ros La Lettre AFC n°256

[ English ] [ français ]

Two important news for those who want to control the texture of the digital image : Workshop at Arri Munich and Oslo Digital Cinema Conference.

Workshop at Arri Munich
Thanks to Rolf Coulanges, BVK, Imago Technical Committee delegate, I have been invited to a workshop in Munich on the 13th of July 2015.
Organized by Harald Brendel, Principal Engineer Image Science, and Henning Radlein, Head of Digital Workflow Solutions, the goal of this encounter was to show us the developments and tests on the new :
- DeBayer algorithms for the internal recording in the Alexa and in the Amira and for the process of the ArriRaw in post
- Noise reduction parameters for the Amira
- Sharpness control & resolution parameters
This report is designed for filmmakers, cinematographers, camera teams, colorists interested in the texture of the image but it includes a broader topic : the understanding and controls of our tools.

Through this link you can download this report

Report by Philippe Ros, AFC, and Rolf Coulanges, BVK, Imago delegate

Rolf is currently working in Haiti and he wrote me this e-mail after he received the third draft of the report :
“I support your report completely ; I will prepare my answers for a detailed discussion in Oslo. My categories in the open questions have been quite different to the present discussion : Transparency (of the skin), Presence of the details (even with less sharpness), Softness or better Silkiness (supporting the Presence) and Liveness of the visual material. I will keep them for the discussion”.
These extremely interesting topics give me opportunity to introduce the ODCC below.

ODCC - Oslo Digital Cinema Conference

IMAGO and FNF, the Norwegian Society of Cinematographers, will, in cooperation with the Norwegian Film Institute and the Nordisk Film & TV Fond, arrange the 2015 Oslo Digital Cinema Conference. The dates : October 30th, 31st and November 1st.
The main focus in 2015 : Creativity of the Image and Virtual reality in filmmaking.
Paul-René Roestad, FNF, the organizer, asked me to organize a panel. I have proposed to work on the creativity and the control of cameras. The name will be : ’’Creative Cinematography and Camera Control’’.
You will find the description of this conference and the list of attendants in the flyer below.

Oslo Conference Programme