Leica SL2-S


Résultats de la recherche

Articles (30)

The Gaze(s) of Agnès Varda, gleaner of images

Agnès Varda

Like the cat Zgougou, mascot immortalized by the logo of Ciné-Tamaris, Agnès Varda had several lives – photographer, filmmaker, documentarian, visual artist –, constantly blurring the lines between fiction and documentary, reality and imaginary, poetry and activism, a gaze focused on others and introspection.

Guillaume Schiffman, the order - and concept - of merit
By Ariane Damain-Vergallo for Leitz Cine Weltzar

Portraits de directeurs de la photographie dans l’optique de Leitz

In 2017, the Ministry of Culture offered cinematographer Guillaume Schiffman to honor him by making him “Knight of the National Order of Merit.” Being offered that so-evocatively named reward pleased the man no end... but he never finished filling the proper documents and never went to fetch it.