Canon ME20F-SHN


Résultats de la recherche

Articles (2)

Articles (30)

Filming vertigo. Two experiences of shooting in a vertical environment.
By Stephan Massis, AFC


Sometimes, I am lucky enough to have the opportunity of participating in projects that enable me to combine cinematography and mountains. These uncommon adventures often require one to reinvent the way one approaches cinematography. Here are two experiences from two such films : the short film, Sur le fil, which I presented with Sigma at the last AFC Micro Salon, and the advertisement for “Schmidt Vertical Home”, directed by Neels Castillon, and produced by Quad, which we shot in Spring 2018.

Imago annonce ses 3es Prix Internationaux de la Meilleure Cinématographie

Prix, Trophées, Académies, Meilleure photo

La fédération des associations de directeurs de la photographie Imago a annoncé, vendredi 13 mars avec un jour d’avance, les lauréats de ses "International Awards for Best Cinematography". Parmi eux figurent, pour le Prix Long métrage de fiction, Roger Deakins, BSC, ASC, pour 1917, de Sam Mendes, et, pour le Prix Contribution et Reconnaissance exceptionnelles, Jean-Pierre Beauviala.

Articles (2)